Panther A with full Interior – Suyata/UStar

This was originally a Suyata kit and now under the Ustar label. Its a Panther A kit with full interior – lots to unpack here.

Armor kits will full interiors seems to be very polarizing – if you are one of these people who will never show interiors for whatever reason, then dont get this kit. Get the Tamiya kit instead. If you want to do a diorama with a destroyed Panther or you want to do an ‘exposed model’ like I’m doing or you just like interiors – this is a fantastic kit. The interior is very complete – you can add some misc wiring and such, but otherwise it’s very complete.
I started with the engine, which is very nicely detailed. You can definitely add more, but the bottom half is mostly hidden once installed.

The interior then gets built up, layer by layer – all pretty much OOB.
Next up is the top of the tank, along with the included Zimmerit – which are supplied as 3D decals.
Once the Zimmerit is in place, everything gets a coat of paint. I used some clear plastic rods bent to shape and created a display on a wooden base where the 3 main sections of the tank can be displayed opened but together. The base got a ‘cobblestone’ from Tamiya supplied diorama sheet.