Austin K2 Ambulance (British 2-ton 4×2 Ambulance) – Tamiya

We all know this is the Austin K2 – but for licensing reasons – Tamiya calls it the ‘British 2-Ton 4×2 Ambulance.

Another interesting kit meant to compliment aircraft modelers, but we can do something more interesting here than a standard green finish. I’m particularly interested in the Caunter scheme, a very interesting ww2 camouflage. Now, there are vigorous debates online about the exact colors that was in this scheme. In an effort side step the rabbit hole, I just went ahead and got Vallejo’s Caunter scheme set (Vallejo AFV – British Caunter Colors). so if you think its not correct – call Vallejo.
Onto the build, the kit is actually quite simple and you can but this all together in one evening you wished. Especially unlike Airfix 1/35 kit of this truck, there is not an interior. The interesting part for me was the color scheme, and I wanted to do something like the following.

So I have nothing especially to say about the build, as it was strictly out of the box. The scheme itself was based on other modelers and reference pictures I coudl find. I first tried the back large cross decal, and as expected the while decal was not opaque enough to cover up the multicolor background. Copious amount of decal setting solution will be needed to get this to settle into the crannies.

I used a circle cutter to cut masks for the other areas, painted those white and then applied the decals.

Typical chipping, oil washes, weathering powder – and the little ambulance is done.