
M4 Sherman – Early Production – Tamiya

TAM32505 sherman

One of the original series of kits that Tamiya produced to re-introduce the work of 1:48 armor to the modeling world. Built as a Normandy tank with Hedgerow device

 ShermanFinished 3

To accessorize the basic kit, I used Hauler’s PE Hedgerow cutter, and lion’s Roar PE kit.

Sherman Pieces 4 Sherman Pieces 5

First job was to add some platic card to close off the sponsons to the upper hull.  The lower metal hull had its plastics parts attached using CA glue.

Sherman Build 1 Sherman Build 2

The commander’s hatch was to be opened, so I decided to create some details with the radio stack using plastic card and some reheat brand PE meant for aircraft panels.  Added commander and gunner seats, a scratch built gun breech, and other misc details.

Sherman Build 6 Sherman Build 7

Everything fitted together and ready for paint.

Sherman Build 22 

After a base coat of Tamiya Olive Drab, I used silly putty to mask for the camo.  Tamiya red brown was aribrushed on.

ShermanPaint 2 ShermanPaint 8

The misc details was picked out by brush, then the decals were applied over a future coating.  Everything was then matted down again and a oil wash was used to pop the details out. As one of my first armor kits, still learning the whole weathering thing. So some light chipping was applied with very little pigments to tone down the paint job and decals.

 shermanpaint 16

Stowage was then added from the misc box, the orange id flag was facial tissue paper soaked with white glue than painted with Model Master Acryl International Orange

ShermanStowage 3

Final details like the 50 Cal gun with PE enhancements were added.


ShermanFinished 11

ShermanFinished 6

shermanfinished 5

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