
Krupp Protz Kfz. 70 6×4 Truck – Tamiya

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Tamiya 1/48 range built up with Black Dog’s accessory kit, which includes snow chain tires, canvas top, and a wonderful assortment of ‘stuff’ to put in the back.



In addition to the basic kit, Blackdog resin addition was used to add the stowage, pulled back top, and snow chained tires.  Not a cheap accessory, but very beautifully done.  Work starts with the then standard plastic on metal base for the Tamiya kits. Fit was spot on, nothing to worry about.

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I then test fitted the Black Dog resin addons in additional to some additional resin boxes from the spare box.  Especially nice was the vegetables box from Black Dogs food set.

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A coat of Tamiya’s white primer from a spray can to tie all the different media together.

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Panzer gray for the truck’s base color and Tamiya buff for the canvas top was sprayed on.

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Start to fill in some of detail resin bits, and light coating of dust with more Tamiya buff on the bottom frame

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The various boxes are finished in wood colors and a deep brown oil wash was used to bring out the details. A piece of hard wire were bent to create the canvas support.  You can also see an issue of the German Propaganda magazine “Signal”, downloaded from the web, reduced in size, and printed out.

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The various extra bits, weater powder, and windshield are added to finish the kit.  And yes, after it’s all finished it was pointed out that the truck was driven on the 4 rear wheels, and the chains should have been all in the rear. Allways happens, doesn’t it?  One day, I will come back and put this in a diaogram where the driver is being yelled at for mountd the tires wrong.

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